The American Southwest: Pride-Prejudice-Perseverance (updated in 2019), begins with an overview of the ancient Native Americans, followed by the exploration and settlements of Spanish explorers, its continuing existence under Mexican rule, and the land-grabbing acquisition by the United States that amounted to approximately half the size of Mexico at a time when Mexico was economically and militarily impoverished due to years of civil wars and repeated changes in dictatorship. Section two covers immigration that began with the US recruiting Mexican nationals as replacements in the workforce during WW I, followed by mass deportations at the end of the war. Millions of people (approx. 60 percent were American citizens) were forcefully displaced without due process.
Sections three and four depict the Latino experience in the US lived with pride, prejudice and perseverance.
Section five explores the current state and upward trend of Latinos and education.
This well-researched book contains maps, graphs and a glossary and appeals to policymakers, educators, students and the general public.