註釋Can you say so much in a such small space? Yes, you can, a tweet can. Tweets have revolutionized communication, they are influencing political, social, and entrepeneurial events around the globe, and it's just 280 characters. This book joins such a revolution by analyzing the economy and management. It does through the wisdom distilled in the Professor's tweets, where 30 years of experience in top managerial posts meet his academia research. He has posted more than 16000 tweets about the subject. He reflects about advice, good practices in economy, enterprise management, persons management, family business, strategy and organization, finances, operations and marketing, also, myths and lies that prowl around in the field. Such an ammount of good common sense are very helpful to manage every single organization. A fresh and pleasant book that does not try to give magic formulae for success, but useful advice that is easy to use in the real world.