Control System Programming Remote Computing and Data Display
Robert Lee Hogg
Dennis C. Glover
Defense Technical Information Center
, 1963
The increasing demands upon large digital computing facilities have necessitated the development and use of a system control program to provide for continuous automatic job processing. A comparative study of two current systems was conducted. The first, CDC FORTRAN 60, is described and its advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. This system was modified by the authors to incorporate a remote (satellite) operation in a time shared mode. The second system studied was the CDC COOP MONITOR system. This system, a more complex, sophisticated control system is like-wise discussed. Modifications to correct certain disadvantages of this system are shown, along with the programming necessary to provide for remote station operation in the COOP MONITOR environment. Several other programs which were developed by the authors to improve the computting center's capability are documented. These include; (1) A graph plotting routine utilizing CDC 1604/160 computers and a CDC 165/CalComp Plotter, (2) A large file merg sort routine, and (3) A data display 'Line Printer' routine. (Author).