Taophysics & Sapientology

The first decades of the third Millennium have brought about a huge amount of information out of all areas of human activity, requiring a strong systematization of them all…

This endeavor taxonomy requires beyond of an encyclopedic approach, courage of the author in finding and imposing a line of ordering, in such a way, that the comprehension of it to overcome the limits, the borders of his own understanding…

The increased complexity of a such Info – Data – Task – Force of Human, put a huge pressure an author, also in an enlarge diversity and complexification of the triad of the publications as book – booklet – bookish…

More than that, a confrontation between the science of physics, in its becoming through biophysics and metaphysics, with the Oriental philosophy of the triad in Sanskrit ( Hinduism – Buddhism – Jainism ) and the triad of the Chinese Philosophy ( Taoism – Confucianism – Chan Buddhism) could bring about another vision, another light, over the evolutionary triad of the cosmology – biology and human ontology, by enriching in this way, even the Species Sapiens through its own thesaurus of reason, diversity and creativity…
