Sure and Certain Death

A brilliant evocation of the period and a truly unnerving, menacing and original plot...

Sure and Certain Death
is the fourth chilling World War Two crime mystery in the Francis Hancock series by award-winning Barbara Nadel. Perfect for fans of Lindsey Davis and Nicola Upson.

East London, 1940: Francis Hancock finds the brutally eviscerated body of a woman in a derelict house. Francis' sister, Nancy, knew the victim. Then, shockingly, two more murders follow. Rumours start to spread through the East End about another Jack the Ripper. When a fourth woman is murdered, Nancy admits that she knew all of the victims, and Francis sets out to find the killer, discovering a trail of murderous resentment that goes back decades...

What readers are saying about Sure and Certain Death:

'For Nadel fans, Sure and Certain Death is a must-read, as it is for historians of East London'

'Atmospheric, touching, different and unputdownable!'

'More brutal murders in a storyline that is gripping to the last page'