The Third Gender
註釋The book ‘The Third Gender’ is exclusively written for bisexual people, drags, LGBT community, non-binary gender, transfeminists, transgender people, and transsexual humans of the world. It reflects various types of stages and events that an LGBT community experiences in their lives. The author has highlighted the frequent phases of transgenderhood, which most of the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders undergo. The book covers imperative information about detransition, digital transgender archive, gender transition, healthcare, law, legal recognition, legal status of transgender people, LGBT in mythology, LGBT movements, LGBT sex education, medicalization, scientific studies of transsexuality, sex and gender, sexual orientation, spirituality, transfeminism, transgender day of remembrance, transgender history, transgender people and religion, and transvestism. It also focuses on some perceptive and discerning issues like criticism, discrimination, LGBT health disparities, suicide among LGBT youth, transgender inequality, transgender sex workers, transmisogyny, transphobia, violence against transgender people, and violence and criminal justice system. The author is acknowledging all the colleagues, friends, relatives, social media friends, and contemporaries for their suggestions, feedbacks, and opinions. This book will definitely be a 24x7 guide and a handy tool for all transgenders worldwide. The author feels highly indebted to ‘The Almighty Living God’, who has helped him directly or indirectly in writing of this book. May all LGBTs of the world live happy and peaceful life !