A Role for Gap Junctions in the Growth and Development of Drosophila Melanogaster
註釋Gap Junctions are intercellular channels acting as regulated pores to facilitate the passageof small molecules and ions between neighbouring cells. These channels have beenimplicated in the control of growth.I have performed in situ hybridisation analysis of innexin mRNA in wandering third instarlarval wing discs. They are all present ubiquitously at the mRNA level, except for innexin 2which exhibits some modulations in the wing pouch. These data have now been published(Stebbings et al. 2002). Further, antibodies against Innexin 2 and Innexin 3 proteins weregenerated. These detect the proteins in cell membranes of both the columnar epithelium andperipodial membrane with some modulation in the wing pouch.RNA in situ hybridisation reveals that the expression pattern of the innexins in varioushyperplastic overgrown wing discs mutants is not significantly different when comparedwith wild type discs. Innexins were overexpressed in these mutant backgrounds, and areunable to rescue the overgrowth phenotypes. An attempt was made to develop an assay formeasuring cell-cell communication in `rescued' wing discs. This assay was unsuitable ascounting cells in the convoluted columnar epithelium proved highly inaccurate.Overexpression of innexin 2 and innexin 3 in wild-type wing discs perturbs wild type wingdevelopment. A variety of mutant phenotypes are produced including the absence of somewing sensory neurons. These animals were crossed into a neuralisedlacZ backgroundrevealing the absence of the missing neural precursors.Clonal analysis using the FLP/FRT system was carried out using an innexin 2" null. Theseresults show that Innexin 2 is necessary for the wild type development of adult wingsensory organs. Additionally, preliminary findings from the clonal analysis suggest thatInnexin 2 may have a role in growth during wing development.