
Everything you need to create compelling booktalks featuring outstanding young adult novels that are mainstays in library collections. For each of the 100 titles selected, there is background information on the book and the author, a list of principal characters, a detailed plot summary, critical comment and notes on suitability, material on key themes and subjects, passages for booktalking, and selected titles that link these classics to contemporary titles.

Everything you need to create compelling booktalks featuring outstanding young adult novels. The authors have chosen 100 classic YA titles published over the past 30 years based on literary merit, continued popularity, and availability (all titles are in print); and have categorized them into broad genres (Teen Life, Adventure, Sports, etc.). For each title, they provide an introduction that gives background information on the book and the author; a list of principal characters; a detailed plot summary; critical comment and notes on suitability; material on key themes and subjects, passages for booktalking; and references to sources of more information on the book and the author. Entries also feature selected titles that link these classics to contemporary titles. Building on previous volumes in the Juniorplots and Seniorplots series, this is an information-packed and lasting guide; it is a must-have for librarians who serve teens. Grades 6-12.