The little lady with tousled hair who is now sleeping next to me is brilliant, humorous, successful, and very attractive. She and I met at a gangbang. The focus was on her. You may be able to comprehend why I'm a bit worried.
Over the most bizarre weekend possible, we became close. By Sunday night, she had transformed from a slut on Friday into a remarkable life companion. She made my son happy than he has ever been in those 48 hours. She also almost murdered his father.
By far, Maddie is the sexiest fuck I have ever encountered. With her, there are no restrictions or limitations. She is constantly eager to express her desires to you, often in a very urgent and direct manner. She is giving while yet being completely absorbed by her own hungers. Her physique is fantastic. Her approach is expert. Her endurance is unending.
You're not required to say it. I am aware of the implications of her elite sexuality. I'm not really that naive. Furthermore, I have no faith in improbable good fortune. Unfortunately, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
sroll up and get your copy to continue reading....
The appeal of reposting is that I can combine three distinct stories into a single cohesive one. This story is the first of a collection that was created at various points in time and for various purposes. In the first, the topic of discussion is "Can you learn anything meaningful about a person from a single photograph?" It starts out in the most unfavorable situation imaginable. Afterward, it changes dependent on who the true protagonists are. There is no way that it is romantic. It IS, however, a love tale.