Did you not know? Have you not heard?

 The book contains more than 6,100 questions. Its value is not in the answers, but rather in the way the questions are formulated and in the information they contain. Because the questions are arranged chronologically, the book can be used as a study guide. Although there are questions that require to memorize certain details, most of them contain enough clues within themselves which give the reader the opportunity to find the correct answer by using comparisons and logic. Since the book was conceived with the purpose of using it in Bible contests, most of the questions require one-word answers. 

The material contained in this book is useful in bringing out things that many readers omit when they read the Bible. It is also useful for getting ideas for sermon subjects, for Bible contests, for obtaining information, etc. 

There are a variety of types of questions:
1. Simple and straightforward questions
2. Multiple choice questions
3. True and false questions
4. Tricky questions
5. Questions that require logic
6. Questions that require general knowledge
7. Questions that require to know Bible details
8. Interesting questions
9. Questions focused on unique things in the Bible
10. Questions that deal with controversial issues
11. Questions that require a list of names
12. Questions that require special knowledge
13. Doctrinal questions
14. Questions that combine the Old Testament and New Testament
15. Bible geography questions
16. Questions that require memorizing verses

Take a look at a few sample questions and answers:
Tricky question: "David, Solomon, Jeroboam, Ahab, Jehoiakim, and Omri were just a few of the Kings of Israel. Some of them had problems with the Egyptians, and Israel and Egypt were often at war. So, king of Egypt, came and attacked Israel. If you paid attention, the name of the Egyptian king has already been mentioned. Give his name." 

Question that requires logic: "Alexander the Great, around 250 BC, gathered in Alexandria, Egypt, 70 Hebrew scholars to translate the Scriptures from Hebrew into Greek. This translation is known under the name of Septuagint (LXX). What part of the Bible did they translate? Was it the Old Testament, the New Testament, or the whole Bible?"

Question focused on unique things in the Bible: "This gospel contains nothing about the life of Jesus before he was about 30 years old."

Tricky question: So
Questions that require logic: OT (One should know that there was no NT in 250 BC, and the NT was already written in Greek)
Questions focused on unique things in the Bible: Mark