Portfolio Style Fashion Design Sketching Journal for womenswear projects. Croquis style "Sabrina"

Organize and simplify the creative workflow process with a Fashion sketching journal. An effective tool for fashion design collection development and portfolio building. 

This journal is the all-in-one fashion project workbook with elements os

- notebook

- sketchbook

- organizer

Graph paper background and free style layout of figure templates make the design workflow process visual and easy to track.

What is in the book?

- 12 original layout pages for fashion design sketching with a simple pencil

the place for fabric swatches, color information, and notes in each layout

different scales and sizes of figure drawing templates laid out in “portfolio style.”

all figure templates are in gray: use them as a background for sketching over

templates: torso and full figure, 3/4, front and back views with mild movement and still poses

sketching examples for inspiration at the end of the book

“write in” a table of contents to organize the creative workflow process

“all templates at a glance” included for easy reference

Who should use the book?

womenswear fashion designers: organize ideas and thoughts in one place with notes, color information, fabric swatches

fashion students: make womenswear project creative workflow manageable and use these pages for your portfolio and project presentations

fashion professional working in de product development and merchandising: make it easy to track trends and ideas by getting a tedious figure-drawing routine

Please note that this sketching journal is for womenswear clothing designers: all templates are female model figures.

All figure templates .in the journal created by designer, and fashion illustrator Irina V Ivana, the author of the Fashion Croquis Bools series and Fashion croquis sketchbooks