Magical Poetry


This is a charity book. I have used my arts and knowledge to create art piece that is this book which is full of poems. You can read here various kinds of poems. You can read this book and the money that I will collect from this book I will give to disable people, orphan people and refugees. So you are getting knowledge also helping the poor people also by reading this book.

The Magical Poetry is the collection of poems and other things. The Imaginations includes any kinds of thoughts as well as visions towards any kinds of the things. Art is a medicine and it can heals pains. Art for life shake can be understood by reading this book. This book is a God for a poor people. This book is their hope and dreams.

Artist can interpret the things according to their thoughts. They see the world different from other people or other animals. Their six sense is working in the process of making any kinds of arts. So to help for the people is a very much good things. We should love each other. We should care each other so much. We should use our knowledge in good things.