Designated a Doody's Core Title!
"This is an excellent teaching guide and resource manual for instructors, gerontological nursing students, and practicing nurses and social workers who wish to learn more about geriatric concerns and care. It will be kept by nursing students long after they graduate as a guide to resources that will be valuable throughout their nursing careers. As a home care nurse working mainly with the geriatric community, I found the resources helpful in my practice. As an instructor, I found the book to be a very useful guide for teaching geriatrics." Score: 90, 4 Stars. -Doody's Medical Reviews
"Donna Bowles's Gerontology Nursing Case Studies is a unique volume that effectively addresses the lack of gerontology case studies for use with undergraduate nursing students. Case studies are a pedagogically powerful approach to active learning that offer opportunities to apply content to clinical practice."--The Gerontologist
"The case narrative approach of this book promotes active learning that is more meaningful to students (and practicing nurses) and more likely to increase the transfer of evidence into practice. An excellent resource for faculty (staff educators) to facilitate critical learning skills."
Liz Capezuti, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dr. John W. Rowe Professor in Successful Aging
Co-Director, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing
New York University College of Nursing
"This is a terrific text that provides nurses and other health care providers [with] good basic information about clinical problems and challenges we face in providing care to older adults. It should be considered required reading in all undergraduate programs."
--From the foreword by Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP
Professor, University of Maryland School of Nursing
Sonya Ziporkin Gershowitz Chair in Gerontology
At the heart of this unique volume are 100 case studies of older adults that address nearly every issue-physical, mental, and psychosocial-that may confront health care providers who work with the aging population. These case studies, culled from contributors with several centuries' worth of combined nursing expertise, are designed to guide nursing students in the development of interventions that encompass both complementary and alternative health strategies. Exercises interspersed throughout each case study are designed to foster critical thinking and decision-making skills.
These case narratives provide a holistic approach to problem solving in regard to political, ethical, and legal issues; loss and end-of-life issues; elder abuse; depression, addiction and suicide; self-esteem and family relationships; sexuality; age-related health issues; cognitive impairment; cultural diversity as it relates to aging; pain management; and sleep disturbances. The volume also addresses such contemporary psychosocial issues as gambling addiction, hoarding behavior, emergency preparedness, the aging driver, and long-distance caregiving.
Key Features:- Provides 100 evidence-based case studies
- Cultivates development of critical thinking and decision-making skills
- Features realistic, contemporary scenarios
- Designed for use across the gerontology nursing curriculum
- Geared for AACN and NLN Accreditation
- Organized according to the needs of actual clinical settings