Ни слова о политике!
註釋"Not a word about politics!" - enough of chattering insipid fantasies. Politics is a task for everyone, it can be and it is enacted every day by every historical subject in her micro-social practices. When such practices are popularized, they can grow into a demand which resounds so loudly that it is impossible to ignore. Poetry, songs, rap - these are essential forms for crafting a solidarity of the word, for making the word political. Speech, not only the speech of a lexicon but of gestures and movement, politicizes dead language when it reorders the connections between old meanings and their referents, performing reality through "language in action."Roman Osminkin - radical Russian poet, crooner, rapper, artist, and activist appears here in the original and in the English translations of his friends and comrades. The political word shakes and shimmers in its internal negativity, never taking a moment's rest.