Non Destructive Determination of Beam Emittance for Low Energy Ion Beams Using CCD Camera Measurements
註釋The determination of the beam emittance using conventional destructive methods suffers from two main disadvantages. The interaction between the ion beam and the measurement device produces a high amount of secondary particles. Those particles interact with the beam and can change the transport properties of the accelerator. Particularly in the low energy section of high current accelerators like proposed for IFMIF, heavy ion inertial fusion devices (HIDIF) and spallation sources (ESS, SNS) the power deposited on the emittance measurement device can lead to extensive heat on the detector itself and can destruct or at least dejust the device (slit or grit for example). CCD camera measurements of the incident light emitted from interaction of beam ions with residual gas are commonly used for determination of the beam emittance. Fast data acquisition and high time resolution are additional features of such a method. Therefore a matrix formalism is used to derive the emittance from the measured profile of the beam [1,2] which does not take space charge effects and emittance growth into account. A new method to derive the phase space distribution of the beam from a single CCD camera image using statistical numerical methods will be presented together with measurements. The results will be compared with measurements gained from a conventional Allison type (slit-slit) emittance measurement device.