Labor Market Behavior and Well-being
註釋My thesis consists of four distinct chapters which have one underlying theme, which is to study how different local conditions may affect labor supply and other behaviors such as trust, social capital, subjective well-being (SWB) and happiness. The first chapter is tilled "Happy on the Job? Employment and Subjective Well-Being in Indonesia". In it, I look at whether working in the informal sector makes people worse off compared to working formally. The second chapter is titled after the result in it: "When Unemployment Hurls the Return to Work is Faster". It provides an unemployment duration model which combines SWB data to estimate how long people slay unemployed depending on how much they reported being affected when they entered into unemployment. The third chapter. "Ethnic Diversity and Trust in Indonesia" links census and survey data to find whether ethnically diverse districts arc different in terms of social capital and trust than more homogeneous districts. In the final chapter, I look at whether local inequality is correlated to happiness in Indonesia Taken together, the chapters provide a few findings that stand out when one thinks of how local conditions - be it the employment composition by industry, the local inequality level or the ethnic composition, may affect people's happiness, subjective well-being, and their behavior.