Educaţie globală în contexte pedagogice non‐formale / Global education in non‐formal educational contexts

Through this work the authors propose to contribute to the dissemination of global learning in terms of non-formal education, to promote the development of knowledge, skills and abilities for the transition to sustainable consumption patterns, thereby contributing to the complex education of the consumer, under the motto of sustainable development.

The information presented in this publication complements the results obtained within the framework of the European project "Development education and awareness raising” (Sincerely Food) implemented by non-governmental organizations from Latvia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia and Romania under the coordination of the Lithuanian Consumer Institute.

The publication is structured on 7 chapters, comprising in addition introduction, and bibliography:

Chapter I: Non-formal education. Theoretical concepts

Chapter II. Lifelong education

Chapter III. Non-formal education for sustainable development. Case study: Mobile tools in public spaces

Chapter IV. Interactive digital education

Chapter V. Simulation-based training

Chapter VI. Digital storytelling

Chapter VII. Guided debate