Employer Greenfield Agreements in New South Wales
A Report Prepared for the New South Wales Office of Industrial Relations
出版Monash University, Work and Employment Rights Research Centre, 2007
註釋"This report outlines results from an analysis of Employer Greenfield Agreements (EGAs) made after the Workplace Relations Act Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 (the Work Choices Act 2005) commenced operation on 27 March 2006. The analysis includes all EGAs made by businesses located in New South Wales and lodged with the Workplace Authority in the first year following the commencement of the Work Choices Act 2005. This does not include all EGAs made by businesses located in New South Wales during this period as some are not made publicly available. In addition to the analysis of New South Wales EGAs, a comparison is made with all data collected from all publicly available EGAs across all States."--Executive summary.