註釋Karma has become a by-word for the workings of fate but crucially has almost nothing to do with fate and almost everything to do with free will and conscious choice. Karma is a fundamental concept in Eastern thought - the underlying principle is the law of cause and effect, i.e. everything we say and do has consequences. You spot your best friend's husband having dinner with another woman. Should you tell your friend or keep this discovery to yourself? Moral dilemmas such as this test our belief in what is right and wrong and the repercussions of our actions affect whether we will be at the receiving end of good or bad karma. The heart of Good Karma consists of 20 thought-provoking dialogues between a hypothetical seeker and a sage, which gives wonderful realism and momentum to Joan Duncan Oliver's illuminating commentary. Joan helps us navigate the karmic labyrinth, offering essential advice on atoning for our past mistakes and making things right for the future. This is the essential guide to becoming master of your own destiny.