Fetish Fantastic
註釋Following in the footsteps of S/M Futures, our previous volume of futuristic sadomasochistic science fiction, Fetish Fantastic presents lush stories which transform underground sexual fetishes such as S/M, bondage and discipline and erotic power exchange into whole new worlds. Written mostly by modern S/M practitioners, the stories represent the leading edge of both sexual fiction and science fiction. In the tightly controlled society of a future Japan, a young woman finds secret erotic release at the hands of a powerful corporate figure; on a world where sexual deviation is condemned, a military man finds himself unable to resist his prisoners; in the fantasy realm of cyberspace a backer can insinuate himself into people's virtual reality SM scenes. Fetish Fantastic will be enjoyed both by readers familiar with the SM scene and those for whom it is completely new. The book will feature cover art by Michael Manning, artist and creator of The Spider Garden.