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Aspekte deutsch-jüdischer Beziehungsgeschichte in Slawonien, 1900-1945
出版LIT Verlag Münster, 2013
註釋Discusses, inter alia, antisemitism in Slavonia and the political events of the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia, the puppet state founded by Nazi Germany in 1941. Argues that the Nazis' rise to power in Germany caused the German-Jewish symbiosis in Slavonia to disintegrate once and for all. Antisemitism had been widespread among local Germans already before the outbreak of the war in 1914. Antisemitic tendencies appeared in the 1920s, subsided for a while, and then broke out with full force in 1940, when all cooperation between Germans and Jews in Slavonia came to a halt. In 1941-42 almost all the Jews in Slavonia, including its largest city, Osijek, were murdered. This happened through cooperation between the Ustaše regime and the Reichssicherheitsamt. The Deutsche Volksgruppen organization also participated in the anti-Jewish propaganda and the Aryanization process, and some worked as guards in the concentration camp in Loborgrad. The fact that this group had the same mother-tongue as the Jews did not prevent them from participating in the persecutions. However, some German-speaking Croatians did oppose the killings.