註釋Market_Desc: Primary audience: Programmers, Software Architects, IT ProfessionalsSecondary audience: Business Analysts, Information Workers

Special Features: · Experienced Author: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 MVP John Holliday is an independent consultant, and has worked on commercial development projects ranging from retail products to enterprise information systems for Fortune 100 companies.· Hot Topic in a Quickly Growing Market: SharePoint 2007 is the fastest growing server product in Microsoft's history. This is the first book that offers a With CD workflow design methodology. It also highlights the importance of enterprise content as the primary driver for human-based workflows, and shows how to design extensible workflow components with content as the central focus.

About The Book: Microsoft defines Enterprise Content Management (ECM) as comprised of four pillars , which are document management, records management, electronic forms and web content management. This book addresses all four pillars using workflow to bind them together. Enterprise content is the primary driver for all business processes and therefore requires a methodology for describing the complex interactions between different types of content and their related processes. The document management chapters deal with ways to control the creation and distribution of Office documents. The author uses workflow and Open XML to illustrate common document management scenarios. The records management chapters focus on special documents called official records and show the tools that MOSS provides to address specific regulatory compliance requirements such as HIPAA, DOD 5015.2, to name a few. The electronic forms chapters show how InfoPath can be used to streamline the capture of metadata and how to apply that metadata to document management and records management solutions. Finally, because an ECM book cannot exclude WCM, the WCM chapters will focus more on the publication of office documents (rather than raw web content) and the workflow processes involved in web publishing.