Morality, character, and discipline in Christian religious education

The important thing that I need to express related to the content of the learning book with the title mentioned above is that morals, character, and discipline are needed in the world of education both Christian education in particular and universal education, namely nationally and even internationally. This is said to be important, given the results of observations and some research, how the crisis of morals, character, and discipline of most of the learners during the transition of this industrial revolution era from time to time is estimated as a negative impact of their lack of skills in responding to the use of digital media that makes them dragged by the negative currents of android that has enveloped the earth. As a result, they become affected and accustomed to vulgar videos that erode their morale so that they mushroom various indecent events, the formation of good characters becomes a failure, and by spending time watching these negative things makes them lose discipline and do not know to train themselves to be disciplined.

Dr. Elsina Sihombing, M.Pd

Lecturer at IAKN Tarutung, Sumatera Utara


This is a “must-read” book. If you work in an education or know someone who does, then this book is required reading. I know there are thousand books about the methodology and approaches to help the students ’character, students ‘mental and students ’moral in education institutions such school or college based on the Christianity perspectives but this book is different and you are suggested to have it.  

Marthen Medlama

The Founder and Chairman of STMIK Agamua Wamena, Papua
