LEUKOARAIOSIS: Contemporary Concepts and Present-Day Imaging.

LEUKOARAIOSIS: Contemporary Concepts and Present-Day Imaging.

     Although leukoaroisosis was first described by Hachinski 30 years ago, it has remained an important and widely studied research topic, especially regarding its aetiology and clinical correlates.

     Leukoaraiosis is a pathological appearance of the brain white matter, which has long been believed to be caused by perfusion disturbances within the arterioles perforating through the deep brain structures.      

     As regards the clinical implications of leukoaraiosis, this neuroimaging finding is strongly related to ischaemic stroke, unfavourable course of ischaemic stroke in the acute phase, worse long-term outcomes, and cognitive disturbances.

    The morphological changes in the deep white matter that are collectively described as leukoaraiosis, despite a seemingly homogenous appearance, probably resulting from various causes mentioned herewith.     

    It is strived in this E-Booklet to present the symptomatology of leukoaroisosis and similar Radiological abnormalities based on recent literature along with RELEVANT Radiological Images for better understanding.

…Dr. H. K. Saboowala.

                    M.B.(Bom) .M.R.S.H.(London)