Babylon Shattered

Welcome to Shangri-la, a planet of psychics. This thrilling science-fiction mystery will keep you guessing until the very end! 

A Cozy Science-Fiction Mystery 

This high-stakes science-fiction thriller offers a riveting read full of mystery and suspense. 

On the planet of Shangri-La, a utopia gone wrong, Clemintine LaSalle finds herself in the middle of a dangerous conflict as a war looms between the Reformers and the Conservatives. When she steals her mother’s Indentured Contract papers, she inadvertently gets a blackmail list too, and someone wants that list badly enough to frame her for the blackmailer's murder. Clemintine must use her psychic abilities and newfound information to protect her family and solve the mystery of the blackmailer’s death. From the clues of a forgotten past to the secrets of a hidden present, Clemintine must use her wits and skills to navigate her way through a thrilling journey full of twists and turns.

If you enjoyed Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, you'll love Babylon Shattered.