Who Says Your Future Dictates on Your Past?
Each Step Will Bring You Closer to Your Destiny
出版Jean Dieudonne, 2012-04-25
主題Religion / General
註釋I've written about my personal life in order to encourage others to look at life from a completely new perspective. Perhaps you feel as if you've made too many mistakes and will never overcome them. Or perhaps you've always felt like a victim. Well, I want you to know that the past doesn't have to dictate your future. The person you see when you look in the mirror can go either way. You were actually created to follow the will of God, but you have a choice, and can either follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, or be led by evil spirits. And while that may sound strange, the truth is that though we think we are in charge and dictating our own path, if we aren't following God, we are following the devil by default. The Bible says that God works everything for the good of those who love Him. Although things may seem tough, if we can only look at circumstances through God's eyes, we will become wiser, stronger, and better able to handle whatever life throws at us. I pray that these revelations will open the eyes of your understanding and help you to visualize things from God's perspective. There is something I want to ask of my readers. I want each one of you to open your heart, to determine whether or not you are truly a child of God, because that is absolutely the most important decision you'll ever make. The answer to that question will determine where you spend eternity. I, myself have been in church all my life and thought I was a Christian, but the truth is that I didn't know God. Oh, I knew that Jesus died for me and had acquired a great deal of information about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but I had no personal revelation. I didn't know that I had to make Jesus my Savior and my Lord. For a good part of my life I looked at everything through the lens of religion (more like a story than actual fact) without realizing that salvation required relationship. Church was merely a habit, much like any other cultural event. I went to church thinking I was a worshipper, but my worship was worthless to God at the time, because I only knew facts about Him. Matthew 15: 9 tells us: "Their worship of me is worthless. The things they teach are only human rules.") I understood the natural part (human rules) pretty well, but God is spirit and I had no idea how to know how to be connected to Him in the spirit.I hope you will keep an open mind, and be willing to learn something good because nothing can get through to you unless you're open to it. If your mind struggles to accept some of these scriptural truths, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help and clarify. I will back up the tough statements with scriptural documentation. Remember God has no limits; the fact that we have never known or experienced something doesn't mean it isn't so.CHAPTER III I will never forget the day--December 17, 2001, the day that my life would've been snatched away if it hadn't been for God's amazing grace. On December 16, we were informed that some dangerous men were coming to my dad's house because he disagreed with their politics. That wasn't the first time they had come to attack us, but by God's grace, and because those around us protected us, nothing had ever happened to us before that day. Once we heard they were coming we notified the neighborhood, and we all believed that it would be like other times when they had come to cast stones in opposition to us, or used firearms to shoot at everything around our house. On other occasions people have been injured, but no one ever died. We usually resisted them and refused to let them on my dad's propertyAs usually happened everyone on our side who heard the news came to support us. I was on the front porch around eight in the morning playing my guitar, and I said to my little brother that I was going to see my friend who lived nearby. I didn't tell my mom where I was going because I knew she wouldn't let me go amid the chaos........ For more info go to : www.demonstrationministry.org