11th Commandment
註釋Sustaining physically and mental abuse throughout his childhood, it would be stereotypical behavior for Keith Herman to be an abuser himself. Believing abuse served no purpose in life, Keith, and His wife Wendy, rise above, and come full circle with the abuse they both endured as children. Determined to be successful, proving their abusers wrong, Keith shows great belief in his abilities to rise above and become a successful business owner one day. Every thoughtful reader will come full circle as the characters and rise above, and prove that Child abuse is stoppable. Others, who have experienced similar kinds of abuse, will find Keith's journey cathartic. For it ought to have been written, Keith Herman will drive his message with his song lyrics, which he used for solace during his childhood. Every Bible in the world shall now have God's final commandment inscribed, "Thou shall not hurt the children." God did not forget.