Jagged Destinies

"Jagged Destinies" is heart warming. It's a story of a girl named Emily who's mother dies giving her birth. Emily is the only child in the family, and is raised by her cantankerous grandmother and an unemotional father, who is seldom home. The times are hard due to the depression. During her childhood, Emily goes through turmoil. Because of it, she promises herself that some day she will do well in her life. Her plan is to marry rich, be successful and have children. Many of her plans are fulfilled, but as time passes, situations change. There are pitfalls along the way. Along with the joys and pitfalls are the tragedies and deaths. Throughout the story, her mothers image appears from the shadows of her mind.

Its Emily's confidence and determination that plays an important role in directing her destiny and of those she loves. She finds true happiness and love with the person she least expects, the one who loved her from the moment he met her.

As we live our lives we experience many trials and triumphs. This book walks the reader through various stages of life. Although JAGGED DESTINIES is a novel, Norma has depicted several occurrences from her own life throughout the book.