My Hot Ex's Santa List

Number 6: He’s too pretty. 

Red flag, right? According to my list, it is.

Hello, it’s me, the woman you may remember from the viral video where I tackled a drunk Santa. In case you’re wondering, short girls can be quite determined.

Like when dating. I am apparently hell-bent on choosing the wrong men. Men who either break my heart or my faith in the human race.

Hence, a red flag list.

It isn’t until my two best friends read it that I realize, every single item is something that describes him.

The ex who chose the spotlight over me, the one I can’t seem to get away from - or over.

And now, thanks to my heroic takedown of our town's sole Santa candidate for the Christmas festival, we’re desperate, and he’s there. Always the hero. To everyone except me.

I can do this. Keep my distance from Mr. Sexy in a Santa Suit and remember every warning sign flashing over his head.

But it’s been years. What if everything I believed about him no longer holds true? What if I wasn’t the only one who broke that day?

My Hot Ex's Santa List is a full length standalone romantic comedy. Enjoy a second chance romance with plenty of laughs and even more swoons.