Money, Money, Money
Eve Drobot
Where it Comes From, how to Save It, Spend it and Make it
Maple Tree Press
, 2004
Juvenile Nonfiction / Business & Economics
Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts / Counting & Numbers
Juvenile Nonfiction / Concepts / Money
Juvenile Nonfiction / History / Other
The history of money is as interesting and varied as the people who've used it. Imagine paying for a bag of grains in ancient Sri Lanka with their common currency at the time -- elephants! When most people were farmers, and coin mints and banknotes didn't exist, animals and goods were bartered, like we use money today. Precious metals and special paper revolutionized how we trade for goods and services -- it definitely took a load off! But how did it all get organized? Explained here in easy-to-follow language, young readers will understand the basics of a bank's many functions. Amazing and often humorous stories about master counterfeiters, bank robbers, and computer hackers offer examples of people's criminal greed for money. But bank robbers rarely get away with their crimes, so your best way for making money is to save and manage what you have. Young readers will learn how to open their own accounts, keep track of their balance, help their money grow, budget for the things they want, and even discover the basics of investment with the handy guide included. Entertaining "Money Myth" sidebars throughout the book explore the theme of money in old sayings, songs, fables, folk tales, customs, and superstitions. And other factoids sprinkled through the book complement the rich text, adding even more to the wealth of fabulous information in Money, Money, Money.