Conquering Math Myths with Universal Design

The teaching and learning of mathematics have long been haunted by myths.

- The Math Person Myth: "Some people just aren’t math people."
- The Learning Gaps Myth: "We can’t address grade-level content until students are caught up with their peers."
- The Answer Getting Myth: "Math is all about getting the right answer."
- The Rigor Myth: "Rigorous math instruction is only for advanced students—it's wasted on those at lower levels."
- The Single Score Myth: "Paper-and-pencil tests are the only practical way to assess students' math knowledge."
- The All Children, but . . . Myth: "Sure, we believe that all children can learn math—except . . . "

In Conquering Math Myths with Universal Design, Jenna Mancini Rufo and Ron Martiello set out to dispel each of these myths, illuminating the path toward more inclusive and accessible math instruction that empowers students to learn, understand, and appreciate the value of mathematics in everyday life.

Through the lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the authors address myths that inhibit students' understanding and enjoyment of math. The UDL approach to instructional design provides students with multiple pathways to access information, express knowledge, and engage with content, thus reducing barriers for all students—not just those with learning challenges. Using UDL, you and your students will embrace the idea that we can all be "math people."

Discover research-based takedowns of common math myths along with practical UDL strategies and tools that you can put to work in your classroom right away. Join the crusade to conquer math myths with UDL!