Liberty & Culture
Tibor R. Machan
Essays on the Idea of a Free Society
Prometheus Books
, 1989
Business & Economics / Free Enterprise & Capitalism
History / Civilization
Philosophy / General
Political Science / History & Theory
Political Science / Political Freedom
Has Marxism finally shown itself to be a bankrupt social philosophy? Why should we strive for economic democracy? Are individual human rights to be protected only so long as no one is inconvenienced? Are radical measures needed in the defense of our freedoms? Can competitive, profit-oriented free market capitalism coincide with heart-felt public concern for the social welfare of others? Why do so many people harbor anti-business attitudes? Have we become a nation of moral eunuchs who won't, or can't stand up for their own rights? Is there is right to health care? Has society really been corrupted by public education, pornography, show business, and the like?
This extraordinary array of piercing social questions is just a tasty sampling of the intellectual hors d'oeuvres offered to whet the appetites of those who seek a more satisfying and practical approach to contemporary social problems. In Liberty & Culture, Tibor Machan, one of America's leading libertarian authors, compiles more than 130 of his articles and editorials from leading newspaper columns and nationally recognized magazines.
The selections cover Marxism, Democracy, Individual Human Rights, Foreign Affairs, Politics, Economics, Business, Law, Morality, Medicine, and Culture. Each chapter rings with the clarion call of unabashed individualism, a position that Machan believes offers the most sound ethical stance for human life. The cause of liberty and individual rights has never had a more dedicated champion!