The First Men in the Moon
Herbert George Wells Wells
Original Text
Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
, 2020-03-17
Fiction / Romance / General
Fiction / Science Fiction / General
As I sit down to write here amidst the shadows of vine-leaves under the blue sky ofsouthern Italy, it comes to me with a certain quality of astonishment that my participationin these amazing adventures of Mr. Cavor was, after all, the outcome of the purestaccident. It might have been any one. I fell into these things at a time when I thoughtmyself removed from the slightest possibility of disturbing experiences. I had gone toLympne because I had imagined it the most uneventful place in the world. "Here, at anyrate," said I, "I shall find peace and a chance to work!"And this book is the sequel. So utterly at variance is Destiny with all the little plans ofmen.I may perhaps mention here that very recently I had come an ugly cropper in certainbusiness enterprises. Sitting now surrounded by all the circumstances of wealth, thereis a luxury in admitting my extremity. I can admit, even, that to a certain extent mydisasters were conceivably of my own making. It may be there are directions in which Ihave some capacity, but the conduct of business operations is not among these. But inthose days I was young, and my youth among other objectionable forms took that of apride in my capacity for affairs. I am young still in years, but the things that havehappened to me have rubbed something of the youth from my mind. Whether they havebrought any wisdom to light below it is a more doubtful matter.