Prayer and the Scoutmaster
The Spiritual Role of the Scout Leader / Mentor with Selected Prayers
出版Xlibris Corporation, 2012-03-19
主題Religion / Leadership
註釋The glaring question here is what does Prayer have to do with whatever Scoutmaster is. This book is the effort to show that they, indeed, are one and the same. From the Oath, On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country to the last point of the Scout Law being Reverent, Williams examines the ins and outs of the intricacies of prayer: How to listen, how to help others listen and the temptations that have plagued mankind from the beginning to look elsewhere for his answers when, indeed, they are as close as breathing and nearer than hands or feet. One may have little knowledge of the Boy Scouts of America, but what you see in this definition of prayer will either confirm your faith or challenge you to grow in the exercise of the same.