How I Pour Babbitt Bearings

Prior to 1940 just about every machine built used Babbitt bearings, and every mechanic was familiar with them. Today things are quite different. Many people get a great deal of satisfaction from restoring old tools, machinery and automobiles that are destined for the scrap yard. A lot of old, heavily built machinery is still available at scrap prices. Often all that is required to put one of these machines back in working order is cleaning and painting individual parts and re-pouring the Babbitt bearings. This booklet contains the basic information you need to melt and pour, in other words, restore Babbitt bearings. You look over Vince's shoulder as he restores a sawmill arbor to like-new condition. Babbitt is excellent bearing material, and with it you can quickly and easily make low-cost custom bearings for those off-the-wall machine tools you plan to build.