The New Testament of the Inclusive Language Bible
註釋This inclusive language version of the New Testament gives due reverence to the Word of God and faithfulness to its original meaning. The translation seeks to address men and women as equals. Some examples serve to illustrate the approach: "And call no one on earth your parent, for you have on Parent and that Parents in heaven" (Mt. 23:8); "What God has done for me will make my name a blessing among the people"(Lk 1:25). "Where is your God? Didn't your God promise to come?" (2 Peter 3). The change in language and gender does not alter God's message as conveyed in the Bible, but recognizes that a change in our culture and society point up the need for the language of the Bible to reflect that change. Those who translated previous versions found it necessary to use the language of their time which often emerged from a male-dominated society.