Reducing Operational Costs in Composites Manufacturing

Reducing Operational Costs in Composites Manufacturing provides organization-specific principles for managers working in the composites industry. It utilizes a "how to" format for reducing operational costs and provides examples for each principle.

In the first two sections, readers learn how to evaluate the existing environment to determine the best course of action when developing a plan to achieve goals. This is followed by a deeper understanding of why character strengths are important, and how to effectively manage employees in section three. Section four helps the new manager to think outside the box by bringing in other managers to evaluate and offer suggestions. Finally, section five teaches the reader how to sustain and continually enhance what they have put in place.

Uniquely aimed at the composites industry, this book helps professionals and managers implement process change, gain control of struggling facilities, enhance the strengths of more efficient organizations, and consider manufacturing costs of in a new light.