Don't Believe the Hype!! (First Revision)

Ever ask the question, "Why today's Millennials in America's Black Community seem so mad at the world and don't care whether they live or die these days?" 

There is a reason for it; and it is being done on purpose, to destroy this country! 

It's called Communism! And it is Real! 

Don't Believe the Hype!! (First Revision) is an explosive book which investigates how and why Communist Subversion (Perversion) has taken over the African-American Community; with the sole intent to use and destroy them, while simultaneously destroying the rest of United States of America from within! 

Using Historical Facts from the Mid-19th Century to the present era, Don't Believe the Hype!! will surely spark Geo-political conversations between people of all races, genders, and back grounds!