Evaluation of Material Strength Data for Use in API Std 530
註釋Mechanical property data for alloys currently produced and used for petroleum refinery heater applications have been gathered and analyzed using systematic computerized statistical data fitting methods. Properties reported for each material are elevated temperature yield and tensile strength, minimum and average stress-rupture strength and stress-rupture exponent at temperature. Data gathered were representative of materials produced by modern production methods. The results of the analyses were presented using polynomial equations for stress and temperature dependence of the properties. Stress-rupture test results were used to develop Larson-Miller parameter relations based on optimized constants for each alloy. Parameter plots for each alloy compare the properties shown in API Std 530 with those obtained from the current analyses. Materials included are: low and medium carbon steels; Carbon-0.5 Mo steel; 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel, 2.25 Cr-1 Mo, 3 Cr-1 Mo steel and 5, 7 and 9 Cr-Mo steels, 9 Cr-1 Mo-V steel; Types 304, 316, 317, 321 and 347 stainless steels (ordinary and H grades where applicable); alloys 800, 800H and 800HT; and HK-40. Examples are provided demonstrating application of the polynomial equations to common problems such as determining design life at temperature and design allowable stress.