Yair Davidiy
The Hebrew Identity of Celtic Races
Lulu Press, Incorporated
, 2015-10-28
History / Ancient / General
History / Europe / Great Britain / General
History / Europe / Great Britain / Wales
"Ancestry. The Hebrew Identity of Celtic Races," provides Proof that amongst Celtic Peoples (especially those of Britain and Ireland) were to be found many Hebrews from the Lost Ten Tribes. This still applies today, to their descendants. The Ten Tribes were exiled in stages to a few major regions. One section became part of the Cimmerians and helped give rise to Celtic Civilization. Another portion were transported under Assyrian-Edomite direction in Philistine (Minoan), and Phoenician (Tyrian) ships to Spain and from there moved to Ireland, Gaul, and Britain. This is confirmed by archaeology and written accounts including those from Ireland, Wales, Britain, and Scotland. Celtic Mythology in the west encompasses proof of Israelite ancestry. The Picts of Scotland were otherwise known as Agathyrsi. They were related to the Khazars who in Scythia recognized their Israelite origins and converted to Judaism. Samuel Bochart (1600s) proved how the names of deities, religious beliefs, and so on of the Celts in Gaul and Britain may be traced to Phoenician influence. This in effect meant Israelite Ancestry. The Celts did not call themselves "Celts" but rather "Iberi" meaning "Hebrews" in the Hebrew tongue. Jewish legends help trace the Lost Ten Tribes to Celtic peoples. Numerous names associated with Celtic groups are similar to those associated with Tribal groupings among the Hebrews, e.g. GEBER = Gabar of Manasseh; Parissi = Peresh of Menasseh; Uladah (Ulster) = Eladah of Ephraim; Isru and Isurium (of Britain) = Israel; etc. The same applies with the names of gods and place-names. Sources for the evidence in this regard include the Geography of Ptolemy concerning the British Isles and other areas. The Celts practiced the Druidic Religion which has similarities with ancient Canaanite paganism as well as parallels to the Levites of Ancient Israel and the Pharisees of Judah. In Scotland there existed strong taboos against swine and other foods interdicted by the Bible. The languages of Celtic Ireland and Gaelic Scotland show Hebrew substructures together with many words of Hebrew origin in their vocabularies. The figure of Yair son of Manasseh who was a Biblical Patriarch reappears in Ireland and Scotland. Irish and Welsh legends confirm the presence of Israelites among their ancestors.