PC Magazine Technology Almanac 2004
註釋What would make 2004 your best year, technically?

Here’s an idea.  Pick up a copy of PC Magazine’s Technology Almanac 2004 and you’ll get a lot more than 52 weeks of technology trivia, dynamite downloads, and product reviews.  You’ll also receive a free one-year subscription to the print edition of PC Magazine* - A $19.97 value!

PC Magazine’s Technology Almanac 2004 is a feast for technophiles – a daily buffet of commentary, tips, memorable moments in tech history and more, from the experts you know and trust.  All your favorite PC Magazine editors are here --  Bill Machrone, Michael J. Miller, John C. Dvorak, and Bill Howard --  with informative articles;  researched and recommended products, vendors and Web sites;  and their favorite tech tips, all related to a different topic each week.  Technically, it could be the best year of your life!

A sample pla tter of weekly topics:

January 18: Burning CDs

February 15: E-mail: Spam

February 29: Digital Imaging: Improving Your Digital Images

March 7: Networking: Wired

March 14: Internet: Booking Travel Online

March 28: Games: Game Controllers

April 4: Security: Anti-Surveillance Techniques

April 11: Microsoft Office: Excel Tips

April 25: Windows: Registry Tweaks

May 2: Multimedia: MP3s and WMAs

July 18: PDAs: Going Solar

August 22: Building Your Own: PVR

November 14: Upgrading: Optical Drives

December 12: Shopping Online: Finding the Best Gifts

The guy who brought it all together:  BRIAN UNDERDAHL is the well-known, bestselling author of more than 65 books on a broad range of computer topics.  He has appeared on The Computer Chronicles and several TechTV programs.  His books have earned an Award of Merit from the Northern California Technical Communications Competition and a Referenceware Excellence Award.  Brian courageously tackled the task of bringing together this year’s worth of information and spicing it up with his magic touch.

* see book for details.  Offer valid only for US addresses.