Unnatural Selection

What You Gonna Do When You Get There? is a story of teenage angst, or, as the old folks say, "growing pains." It is a tale of five friends sitting in an airport laughing about all the drama they went through from Elementary School until now, leaving home for "There." "There.." is graduation from high school and thusly, the gateway to the freedom of adulthood - away from the rule of parents.

Bradford is your typical suburban city, divided by class and color somewhat, however, united in their quest to raise a generation that respects the diversity that makes many, one.

Thurgood Marshall High School is the epicenter wielding the force that binds the spoiled princess, the sidekick, the cliques, the geeks, the underclassmen and of course, the jocks.

If you are already "there", you will be reminded of "back in the day...", when you weren't. You will probably laugh aloud, nod your head, say Amen and thank God you made it. If you cry, let that tear be reflective of times shared with a best friend or family member who helped to mold you into the person you are now.

Now, for you, the youth of today, this book will help you to understand that parents do understand. As you read this book, may you draw from the relationships of these characters, the appreciation of self, friends and family. Know that you are not alone in the challenges life throws at you. In the "Old School" we had 'Ace Boons' - in the New School you have BFF's.

Remember Psalms 23 and may God Bless... David Vencil