
Living Liturgy™ 2023 provides practical and engaging content from expert authors to enrich your communal prayer and ministry. A robust formation program, Living Liturgy™ offers the readings, plus insightful reflections, and contextual background information for Sundays, solemnities, and additional feasts of liturgical and national importance. This best-selling annual resource is ideal for parish ministers, liturgists, pastors, planning committees, adult faith formation groups, and anyone who wishes to explore the connections between liturgy and life.

An entirely new resource created for each liturgical year, Living Liturgy™ gives your team the spiritual preparation they need to serve in their ministries, integrating daily living, prayer, and study in an inviting and easy-to-use format. Original art by Ruberval Monteiro da Silva, OSB, complements the text and invites further reflection on the gospel of the day. This indispensable guide deepens a liturgical spirituality and strengthens the worship experience for the whole parish.

     Featured Content

Reflecting on the Gospel

Preparing to Proclaim

Psalmist Preparation

Making Connections Between the Readings

Homily Points

Model Penitential Act

Model Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful)

Liturgy and Music

Living Liturgy

Prompts for Faith-Sharing