Take This Pill And... Sell It!
Top Secret Tips Unveiled Within!
Do you know what separates the top sales people in any given industry? If you could take two hours to read a book that would help you get the job you want, would you take the time to read it? Sadly, most average people don't take the time to read the books that will help them. It's always the top sales people who invest in their trade; who sharpen their ax constantly. Can you spare the time and make an investment in your future? The purpose of this book is to help you become the best of the best and to help you start preparing for your pharmaceutical/medical sales career NOW!
For those of you contemplating pharmaceutical/medical product sales as a profession, this book will give you a foundation on which to build your career.
Why is this the book for you? As a pharmaceutical sales representative with 18 years of experience in the industry, I have been a specialty representative, a hospital rep, a product sales instructor, a managed care sales rep and a temporary district manager and I know the industry.
This book will cover everything from networking and interview techniques to the importance of attitude and behavior. You see, the greatest sales people, yesterday and today, possess certain traits on which I have always focused my success on. They have a special winning attitude that propels them to success. To be truly valued and successful in the pharmaceutical industry, this is where to start.