Renew Your Mind
A Fifty-Two-Week Journey Applying the Bible to Everyday Life
出版Covenant Books, Inc., 2021-06-18
主題Religion / Christian Living / Personal Growth

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.

—Romans 12:2

What does this verse mean to born-again Christians? What should it mean in the actions of our daily lives? Renew Your Mind; A Fifty-Two-Week Journey Applying the Bible to Everyday Life looks at biblical answers in the five most challenging areas of an individual’s life: finances, friends/relationships, time allotment, priorities/denying self, and knowing God. Each week, the author relates a thought-provoking, memorable story or example invoking biblical principles and verses, giving an assignment for the reader to apply the weekly lesson to the applicable categories to begin the transformation of how we think and act toward others. Renew Your Mind is a thoroughly entertaining must-read year-long devotional that will change the way you look at Christianity and our responsibility to others in our faith, our actions, and our belief systems.

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