
Have you ever felt like you were trapped inside a prison within yourself? Have you ever wondered why you constantly make unhealthy choices you know are not good for you? Do you wonder why no matter how hard you try to break free from certain unhealthy relationships, habits, and environments, you always tend to return to them? Do you fear rejection? Are you afraid of abandonment? Has your heart been pierced by the sharp blade of betrayal? Do you have an unhealthy need for acceptance? Have you been continually degraded, looked over, stepped on, ostracized, forgotten, or made to feel as if you were insignificant? Are you terrorized by shame? Paralyzed by fear? Terrified of death? Tormented by guilt or imprisoned by the hardness of pride and long to be set free?


If so, then I do believe this book is for you! I think you will be able to relate in your own unique way to the creative communication in this book and find hope, encouragement, and freedom. I do not claim to be the one who is able to set you free, but I can lead you to the One who can and so longs to! 


Like you, I am an imperfect human being, and I have experienced firsthand the torment and misery these things can inflict upon the human soul. I have experienced how, out of deep wounds, these things can manipulate our thoughts, feelings, and volition and destroy our relationships and even ourselves. I know what it is like to feel all alone and like no one truly understands the hell that's being experienced on the inside daily. You may even be in the grips of depression and feeling like your soul is fading into a black hole of hopelessness and despair at this moment, but I want to let you know that there is hope and freedom for you! There is One who is able and willing to bring your soul out of prison!