A young man and woman have to face many things initially in their life, such as the first day in school, the pleasant memory of the first day of the tour with their parents, relishing the first day of friendship, sweet memory of the first day of love. When a lover and his lady-love think about their first love, the sense-perception that originates within their inner self can’t be expressed in words. This memory of first love might have evolved even at the fag-end of life. An individual might have fallen in love many times, but first love is special. A lover can’t forget the thrill of the very sensitive first touch, bartering of infatuating looks, bewitches the relishing of a first kiss.
The first love came in the life of Shubhro. Due to some unnatural reasons, his sweetheart, Chandralekha, lost her life forever. Frustrated Shubhro ran about distractedly from place to place bearing the memoir of his first love. Facing some distracted love in his life, he escaped to some distant regions. Will he be able to find peace of mind?