My Box of Jewels follows the trials and tribulations of Pearl, a witty, down-home southern matriarch whose life begins on a Mississippi farm on January 13, 1936. Born into a large African American family, Pearl's father is a country preacher who travels the countryside visiting the sick and spreading the good news of the gospel. Pearl and her brothers and sisters live a good life, despite a lack of inside toilets, running water, electricity, or a telephone. The family is not without its hardships-her mother dies during childbirth and the Klan burns their house to the ground-but Pearl survives stronger than ever by believing God will always make a way out of no way. Eventually Pearl marries and moves to St. Louis where she discovers a new way of worship and converts to Catholicism. As Pearl's family grows to include three children-all of whom are named after gems-Pearl journals all their experiences, recording an incredible family history.
As the circle of life takes Pearl to a rocker on her front porch, she shares the story of her life with her grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, providing them with an everlasting gift of her legacy.