Child Education in India
Index to Scholarly Writings in Indian Educational Journals and Newspapers Since Independence, Includes Constitutional Provision and Basic Indicators of Child Growth
出版Concept Publishing Company, 1990
主題Education / General
註釋Part I of this book, which comprises the bulk of the volume, consists of a bibliography of approximately 650 publications on child education. The publications include articles from 58 Indian journals and newspapers published in the English language. The bibliography also references books, research reports, and doctoral theses that have been reviewed in journals and newspapers. The bibliography has both an author and a subject index. Full bibliographic information is provided in both indexes. Part II of the book includes a description of a proposed children's university, which would house children from around India, include several centers of research on problems related to child development, and sponsor cultural centers for each Indian State. Also included are: (1) an essay concerning the problems and potentials of research on children's reading; (2) excerpts from the Indian Constitution that concern issues relating to children; (3) statistics on school enrollment and adult literacy in India; and (4) a list of 79 specialists in the field of child education. (BC)