Prevalencija krvlju prenosivih virusnih bolesti u ovisnika uključenih u potporni metadonski program liječenja u različitim regijama Slovenije
註釋The prevalence of infections with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV) and GBV-C virus was established in a 120 randomly selected intravenous drug users (IVDUs) attending methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) from 3 different Slovenian regions (Ljubljana region, Primorska region and Styria). 40 IVDUs (33.3 %) were free of infection with any of investigated viruses. In 80 (66.6 %) IVDUs infection with blood borne viruses was detected, 57 of them were infected with one virus and 23 simultaneously with more than one virus. The most prevalent blood borne viral infection in Slovenian IVDUs attending MMT was GBV-C infection (47.5 %), followed by HCV (27.5 %) and HBV infection (11.7 %). The HIV and HDV infection were not detected in any IVDU. According to the published data, the prevalence of HIV infection in Slovenian IVDUs is the lowest found to date among IVDUs attending MMT in Europe and the prevalence of HBV and HCV infections is the lowest found to date. An alarmingly low HBV vaccation rate (11.7 %) among IVDUs was found. The results of our study showed that the MMT in Slovenia is an effective program for prevention of transmission of blood borne viruses among IVDUs.